Finding you

One fine day, it will be your turn. You will leave homes, cities, countries to pursue toward's your life ambitions. You will leave friends, lovers, possibilities for the chance to roam the world, make deeper connections. You will defy your fear of change, hold your head high and do what you once thought was unthinkable;... Continue Reading →

Play hard, Work hard

Play hard, work hard. But focus on playing hard first. Schedule your play, leisure time for friends first, and start scheduling your work only after that. This might seem counter-intuitive at first, but it works for many reasons: Because the time when you can work will become limited, you will automatically tend to make the... Continue Reading →

I Keep the doors shut

For the so many ugly truth I know…That could have destroyed many; I keep the doors shut. For the so many hidden pain within…That could have killed lives; I keep the doors shut. For the so many unspoken words…That could have changed life’s path; I keep the doors shut. For the so many wrong decisions…That... Continue Reading →

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